Sunday, July 20, 2014

Calling All My Ya-Yas!

Every day something reminds me how lucky I am to have such smart, beautiful, caring, and funny best friends as my support system.  I admire each of them in different ways and am certain of the positive influences and changes they have had in my life.  I could go on and on forever!

This article, titled Where Did the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Go?, resonated with me.  What a great piece of writing that reminds us that the beautiful inner thoughts we have shine through us every day; the more positive we can view others the more we love ourselves (and the opposite is true too, with negative thoughts).  This is a good article.

Women should be pulling each other up.  Work hard, get there.  Be a role model.  Be a model woman, whatever, just stop the comparison.  "Comparison is the thief of joy." -TR

Thankful for my ya-yas! :)

Here is an excerpt:

"I was at the park with my neighbor’s three-year-old child, Autumn yesterday when a boy walked onto the playground.
She shrieked as if the sky was falling and said “Ahh! It’s a boy! No boys!” and ran to find female companionship for the slide.
At what point in our childhoods do we forget how wonderful the fem is and retire our fear of boys ? Nowadays most women have cooties.
Where did the yah, yah sisterhood go?
Why did we stop riding in our pink basket biker gangs with pigtails, snapping bubble gum with our sisters? Running away from boys like they carried the plague, playing truth or dare in a tree house, wearing those ridiculous “B and F” heart friendship necklaces? Taping our boobs and thinking if we French kissed a boy we’d get pregnant?’
These days I find it common that women are stinking mean to one another.
"Why do we feel the need to compare, undermine, feel jealous, resent, alienate, seclude, bully and judge the women in our lives at the drop of a hat?
Most of us have experienced being in a pack full of woman and heard them throw another woman under the bus or have done so ourselves.

The University of Ottawa did a study on women’s reactions to an attractive woman dressed to emphasize her beauty in 2011.

Results showed that almost all women were aggressive toward the attractive female whose only indiscretion was to dress in a sexually provocative manner. The women in this situation were more likely to roll their eyes at their peer, stare her up and down and show anger while she was in the room. When she left the room, many of them laughed at her, ridiculed her appearance, and/or suggested that she was sexually available. By contrast, when the same attractive peer was dressed conservatively, the group of women assigned to this second scenario barely noticed her, and none of them discussed her when she left the room.
I am sick of hearing women call other women “sluts” because their legs are breathing. I am sick of women placing unjustified judgments on other women’s sex life. I have great news—it’s not your vagina."
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

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